Are you wanting simple, and easy ways to start Independent Play with your toddler? Need ideas so you can drink your coffee hot, have quiet mornings or make dinner in peace?

Little Adventurers Playbook is for you if:

   You want to get pockets, (but with time   and consistency) get up to HOURS of kid-free time today!

Survive summer! Imagine having time to just think, read or take nap as you have kids at home all summer long

You want to use LESS screen time with your toddler, but don't know how or where to start

You want to learn how to use these powerful techniques to teach your toddler the important SKILL of independent play.

You want to make sure you use the right toys and activities that will PROMOTE longer Independent Play so your toddler will stay engaged and not grow tired of Independent Play

You want activities and toys that are easy to set up, clean up and are age appropriate.

I created The Little Adventurer Playbook that is one you'll ACTUALLY use, because it's easy.

You are a tired and busy mom and the last thing you need is a complicated system.

The toys & activities needed are easy to set up and you probably already have several of them laying around your home.

Not only does Independent Play help you as mom, but there are amazing benefits for social & emotional development for your toddler.
Little Adventurers Playbook is EXACTLY what you need!

Learn how to get HOURS of kid-free time each day!
Hi, I'm Amy!
I'm a busy mom to four young kids, who learned this tool when my kids were young toddlers.

Looking back, this has been one of the BEST decisions I made for my young toddlers!

I can't even imagine how my day would look without this game changing tool!

I honestly can't survive long summers or long days as a SAHM without Independent Play!

When any mom asks me how to get more time to herself, Independent Play is the FIRST thing I always share. 
You now will be able to...

Drink your coffee hot and enjoy a quiet morning waking up.

Have your toddler who wakes up early play independently while you enjoy peace & quiet in your morning (YES, this is very possible!)

You will (finally) be able to use screen time less.

You will have "tools" in your tool belt for your busy and active toddler.
The Little Adventurers Playbook includes:

How to teach the skill of Independent play in your young toddler so you can get kid-free time in your day.

Includes the exact steps & techniques that any mom can do, to create a successful start.

Tips for teaching independent play so you can make dinner in peace.

What is independent play and how is it different then self play.

Why independent play is so important and the life long benefits it provides for your young toddler & child.

Dozen of activities with pictures so you know exactly what to do.

Links to each item you will need for ease of shopping

Learn what toys and activities you SHOULD be doing to encourage LONGER Independent play time.

Sample Schedules that work best

Do's & Don'ts


EXACT details on how to be successful with Independent Play for your toddler


Toy Rotation Toy 

Child play longer and better with just a few options. Toy Rotation will help your toddlers get more out of Independently Play.

Toy Organization Strategies & Tips

Eliminate the toy chaos in your home with effective organization systems. 

You will walk away from this playbook knowing exactly how to start doing independent play with easy activities and toys!

Join over 250+ moms who are getting pockets of time (up to HOURS!) back in their day due to simple activities and independent play!

Happy Customers

"I feel like Todd has gone from being so clingy to being happily independent via independent play! It’s like his personality changed! SOOO grateful for the encouragement and teaching in this!!

Tasha Thompson

"He can play 30-40 minutes with his cars and Lego Cars (at 16 months) and now I can actually get something done, but it felt so weird at first (lol)."

Megan Green

Don't forget to snag the one time special offer Genius Home Hacks too. Learn how to get your home on autopilot and eliminate your mom stress while you have hours to yourself as your toddler does Independent Play. They pair perfectly together.

*Due to the nature of this digital product, refunds are not permitted.

  • What age range is independent play for?
    This playbook has options for ages 6+ months t- 5+ years old. Once taught independent play will last beyond 5 years. Both my 8 & 10 year old still do independent play regularly, I don't reference any activities or toys in the guide of those ages. By that age they are able to find and create their own activities.
  • Will I need to buy a lot of new toys?
    No. I'm pretty confident you will have several options that will work perfectly in your home. But if you like my recommendations, I have links to make it easy.
  • How long does it take for a young toddler to go beyond 5 - 10 minutes?
    That all depends on the toddlers temperament & consistency you use and practice this new skill. All of my children were able to go 2 hours in length by 3 years old. I started using independent play for all of my children before they were one years old. We did / do independent play daily.
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